Concept, Typologies and Research Methods for the Study of Political Elites (in French)


  • CIPRIAN IFTIMOAEI Ph.D. in Political Sciences, “Al.I. Cuza” University of Iasi,


Elites, Sub-elites, Non-elites, Elite types, Research methods


The paper „Concept, typologies and research methods for the study of political elites” is divided into three sections. The first section focuses on the definition of „elite” in relation to the following correlative concepts: „sub-elite”, „counter-elite”, „non-elite”, with applications in political science. The second section presents a typology of elites based on fourteen classification criteria, focusing on describing the typology of political elites developed by John Higley in collaboration with other representatives of democratic elitism (G. Lowell, Field, M. Dogan, M. Burton). The third section of the paper inventories the research methods of the political elites: historical-deductive method, positional method, reputational method, decisional method (event analysis), comparative method and combined approaches of the political elites. The purpose of this epistemological and methodological incursion is highlighting the concepts, criteria of classification and methods applicable to research the role of political elites in democratic consolidation.


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